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Orthotics, insoles, and inserts are all types of shoe inserts that are designed to provide additional support and cushioning to the feet. They are often used to alleviate pain, improve alignment, and reduce the risk of injuries. Here is a breakdown of the different types of orthotics, insoles, and inserts available:

1. Custom orthotics:

Custom orthotics are specially made to fit the unique shape and size of an individual's feet. They are typically made by a podiatrist or orthotist, who will take a mold or impression of the feet, and use this to create a pair of inserts that are tailored to the individual's needs. Custom orthotics are often used to treat specific foot conditions such as plantar fasciitis, heel spurs, or flat feet.

2. Prefabricated orthotics:

Prefabricated orthotics are mass-produced inserts that are designed to fit a wide range of foot types and sizes. They are typically made from a mold or cast of a "typical" foot and are available in different sizes and arch heights. They are less expensive than custom orthotics and can be easily purchased from a pharmacy or sporting goods store.

3. Over-the-counter insoles:

Over-the-counter insoles are inserts that are widely available and can be easily purchased from a pharmacy or sporting goods store. They come in a variety of designs, such as those with arch support, cushioning, or shock-absorption. They are less expensive than custom orthotics and can be a good option for those who have mild foot pain or discomfort.

4. Gel or foam insoles:

Gel or foam insoles are inserts that are made from a soft gel or foam material. They provide cushioning to the foot, which can help to alleviate pain and reduce the impact of hard surfaces on the feet. Gel or foam insoles are often used to treat conditions such as plantar fasciitis, heel spurs, and stress fractures.

5. Memory foam insoles:

Memory foam insoles are made from a special foam that conforms to the shape of the foot. They provide cushioning and support, and can help to alleviate pain and improve alignment. Memory foam insoles are often used to treat conditions such as plantar fasciitis, heel spurs, and flat feet.

6. Arch support insoles:

Arch support insoles are inserts that provide extra support to the arch of the foot. They can help to alleviate pain and improve alignment, and are often used to treat conditions such as plantar fasciitis, heel spurs, and flat feet.

7. Heel cups:

Heel cups are inserts that are designed to provide extra cushioning and support to the heel. They can help to alleviate pain and reduce the risk of injuries, and are often used to treat conditions such as heel spurs, plantar fasciitis, and Achilles tendonitis.

8. Metatarsal pads:

Metatarsal pads are inserts that are designed to provide extra cushioning and support to the ball of the foot. They can help to alleviate pain and reduce the risk of injuries, and are often used to treat conditions such as metatarsalgia and Morton's neuroma.


It's worth noting that not all orthotics, insoles, and inserts are suitable for everyone. It's important to consult a podiatrist or other medical professional to determine the best type of insert for your specific needs. They can help to evaluate your foot structure and gait, and provide recommendations for the best type of inserts for your needs.

In conclusion, shoe inserts can become a smart investment for the good health of your feet. Find a perfect model for you with the help of our recommendations. 




The importance of insoles lies in the support of these rehabilitative devices to flat feet.  However, there is a lot more to insoles than only their supportive properties.  Apart from helping to manage flat arches, insoles also add many other benefits to the health of your feet.  So, if you’re looking for 9 reasons to purchase insoles, then here’s all the information you need to know.  

A recent 1000 participant SurveySparrow market study measured and highlighted important benefits why people purchase top quality insoles.

The number one reason why people purchase superior insoles unsurprisingly was 1. Pain Relief and 2. More Comfort overwhelmingly 77% of the time.

As we get older, the tendons and muscles in your feet become gradually weaker and provide less support to protect your feet. Top quality insoles replace this loss of support with therapeutic benefit, resulting in more comfort.

The next reason people buy top quality insoles was for 3. Better Arch Support, 70% of the time to replace and augment the arch and foot support we lose as we get older.

Heel / Foot Ball Cushioning came in a close number 4 with 64% of respondents seeking more effective heel cradling, shock absorption for cushioning comfort.

The next significant number 5 benefit, was 57% seeking Pronation Correction or an insole’s ability to control arch deformation or an inward tilt of the arch or ankle.

A close number 6 was 48% of all respondents wanted more Supporting Alignment for their arches and feet, with number 7 wanting Improved Ankle Stability at 42%.

It is generally understood increased arch support and heel / foot ball cushioning with greater alignment and pronation correction Reduces Foot and Leg Fatigue. 

The survey showed 36% of all respondents wanted the benefit of fatigue reduction at number 8 with 29% seeking to Treat Foot-Related condition with a top quality insole at number 9.


Your feet carry you all through the day, which means they’re constantly helping you perform all kinds of movements whether it’s as simple as standing or as intense as sprinting. 

With your feet playing such a key role in most activities, it is worth taking better care of them in order to protect them so they can continue supporting you throughout your life.  Top quality insoles deliver Pain Relief and More Comfort from Better Arch Support and Heel / Foot Ball Cushioning by providing superior Pronation Correction and resultant Supporting Alignment. 







Insole Myths
There are plenty of myths and misconceptions about insoles. Sometimes, with all of the myths milling around out there, insoles can get a bad reputation. While some of these myths simply have eroded due to improvements and research over time, others were never based in fact from the start.

Over the years as insoles have become more popular to help consumers deal with their foot ailments, certain myths and untruths have become popularized due to lack of education on the subject.  This blog is intended to help detail and explain some of these myths, as well as to explain how SelectFlex Arch-Adjustable Support insoles deal with these mythical claims. 

1) When It Comes To Shoe Insoles, Softer = Better
Completely soft insoles are not only ineffective, but they actually “pamper the problem”. You may find that initially you love the feeling of slipping your foot into a shoe with a soft, cushiony insole, but in reality those types of insoles do nothing to fix the root problem: misalignment of the feet.

A good insole should provide a mixture of supportive, hard structures and softer structures which work together to reshape the alignment of your feet.

SelectFlex provides a PUR polyurethane medical grade footbed for maximum comfort while dynamically aligning your foot arch from a flexible lifting arch that supports your foot with three adjustable support levels.

2) Insoles Should Be Comfortable Right Out Of The Box
Similar to the theory that “softer = better”, most people think that their insoles should feel comfortable the first time they put them in their shoes. Once you learn the purpose of insoles, to reshape and realign your feet to their anatomical perfection, it should be easy to understand why insoles have a breaking-in period.

Insoles for your feet work much like braces for your teeth, applying pressure to specific areas in order to move them into correct position. That pressure can feel uncomfortable while your muscles, tendons and bones re-learn how to work together to form a proper shape.

SelectFlex molds to your unique arch shape to provide arch aligning comfort. Our initial recommendation is wear our insoles for 2 to 4 hours a day for the first week to allow your feet to adjust to our unique lifting arch to support and align your foot.

3) Insoles Are For People With Foot Pain
While shoe insoles certainly do help many people overcome foot pain, that is not the only reason to wear them.

As the children’s song goes, “The foot bone’s connected to the leg bone, leg bone’s connected to the knee bone…” Nature gave our bodies the perfect pattern to deal with movement, especially agility moves like running and jumping. Because the body works together as a chain of muscles, ligaments, and bones, when one part is misaligned it throws the whole system out of whack.

Through realigning the placement of the feet, shoe insoles have been shown to help with pain and inflammation in the knees, hips and lower back. So the next time you experience problems with one of those joints, make sure your feet aren’t the true culprits!

SelectFlex is the first insole to provide three adjustment levels to dynamically lift your arch into correct comforting alignment to reduce pain and dynamically realign your foot throughout the entire gait cycle.

4) Insoles Work By Bracing Your Feet
Just as your insoles cannot work if they’re too soft, they don’t work by bracing, either. Many insoles provide support and stability to the arch while completely ignoring the front and rear of the foot. An effective insole has zones of support and cushioning designed to retrain your muscles and tendons to move in a more natural way.

There is an anatomically-ideal pattern for foot movement while walking/running (spiral torsion): moving from the rear lateral (outside) of your heel at an angle through the center of the arch and finally pushing off at the inside of the big toe. This movement cannot be supported by simply bracing the arch, your insoles should encourage it with the right kind of flexibility.

SelectFlex has a PoweCup that delivers up 50% more ankle stability with up 89% more flexible lifting arch support to brace your feet in aligned comfort throughout the entire gait cycle.

5) Insoles Are Only Made For Athletic Shoes
While the majority of insoles are made to be used in athletic shoes, some insoles are designed to work in a variety of shoes.

SelectFlex is designed to work in multiple shoe types with footbed trim lines to customize their fit into your favorite shoes.

6) You Only Need 1 Pair of Insoles - Move Them From One Pair To Another
While it is true that you can theoretically move your insoles from one pair of shoes to another, as humans we tend to forget these things. If you want to see the true effects of retraining your feet and posture, it’s best to ensure the shoes you wear most often have their own, dedicated pair of insoles. This might mean investing in 2 or 3 pairs of insoles.

SelectFlex is 1/4 the cost of medical orthotics and provides three adjustment levels to customize your arch support for maximum comfort.

7) Insoles Are Only For ‘Old People
Insoles are not just for ‘old people’ or those who must wear ‘ugly’ orthopaedic shoes. Regardless of age, foot problems can affect anyone. Painful arches, heel pain and bunions are but a few. Pain related conditions such as arthritis or diabetes can affect anyone. Such conditions may benefit from insoles.

SelectFlex’s PUR medical grade footbed distributes foot pressure while the PowerLift Arch further distributes foot pressure over the entire arch to alleviate arthritic and diabetic pressure points.

8) You Need Insoles For ‘Flat Feet
Not all people with ‘flat feet’ need insoles. Some people have naturally low arches. Generally if your feet are pain free then you won’t need insoles regardless of whether you have ‘flat feet’. Your first step should be to check your shoes. Make sure you wear shoes with some structure and support to them.

A majority of our customers with flat feet, pes planus or fallen arches wear SelectFlex that provides just the right amount of adjustable lifting arch support from three settings.

9) Custom Made Insoles Are Much More Expensive
Basic over-the-counter, mass produced, foot insoles are typically cheaper than custom-made insoles (at first glance). However, over-the-counter foot insoles generally have a much shorter lifespan. As such, cheaper insoles may end up being more expensive over time. Without professional help you might purchase the incorrect product or one that is ill-fitting. This could aggravate your foot condition instead of improving it.

SelectFlex is engineered from premium medical grade polymers to ensure support and guaranteed to last up to 3 months and often 6 to 9, at 1/4 the cost of custom insoles.

 Find out more today about SelectFlex!